ABC Enforcement Agent Michael Wakefield Bush was the victim of a rumor by a disgruntled VFW bartender in Batesville and his anger and over-reaction caused him to implicate an ABC Board member, Mickey Powell, as part of a conspiracy.
It started like this...Bush claims that he was tipped off about some suspicious activity at VFW Post 4501 in Batesville and that he went undercover to check out the suspicious veterans members of the private club.
What really happened was that the VFW was advertising certain events as "Open to the Public" and that bothered him because they are a private club and he has little else to do.
So on the night of February 10, 2016, Bush finagled his way into the VFW and stayed long enough to enjoy two beers.
Other than the VFW allowing him to sign in as a guest, Bush did not observe any deviant or criminal activity. Just a few veterans enjoying each others company.
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A few days later Bush is chewing the fat with the Batesville Chief of Police, Alan Cockrill.
We must pause this story here and conduct a history lesson. Cockrill is the new chief and we mean new. He is the first police chief of the department in over 30 years. That is because Batesville has not had a police department since 1981. For the past 34 years, the Independence County Sheriff’s Department has provided law enforcement in that city, and it has paid $1.2 million annually for the service. On Dec. 17, the Batesville City Council voted to withdraw from this interlocal agreement, starting a six-month process to form the city’s own police department.
One of Cockrill's first statements to the press was, “Yes, we have to chase the bad guys, and we have to arrest people."
Back to our story... So the new chief excitedly tells Bush that there had been a hit and run accident in the VFW Post parking lot the other night and the suspect was later arrested for DWI. At this point Bush is pissed off that the hit and run didn't happen when he was there so he could have made an arrest.
The pair is visiting again a few days later and Chief Cockrill tells Bush that a big brouhaha took place over at the VFW and he and his officers responded to a bunch of 911 calls (4 actually) about a fight. Chief Cockrill tells Bush it was a bunch of drunks that where in "no way members" (not wearing their old army uniforms we guess). Bush gets further pissed off that he missed another opportunity to shout down a bunch of malcontents.
When Chief Cockrill was dealing with the riot at the VFW, an employee (insert disgruntled before employee) of the VFW Post that he should have been at the VFW the other night, because ABC Agent Bush was in the VFW and had about a dozen beers and was so drunk they thought he would piss himself.
Well this causes Bush to blow a gasket. He asks around and someone tells him that someone told them that they heard that the now former employee had told Mickey Powell, an ABC Board Member, that Bush was "pist" drunk in the VFW.
Powell lives in Batesville and is either a member of the VFW or is a frequent guest. Heck the VFW even has a photo of ol' Mickey and his better half on their Facebook page.
At this point Bush is certain that Powell has colluded with the VFW management and a major investigation utilizing additional ABC Agents as undercover operatives are needed to assist him.
At this point you are thinking is this Wednesday and is this an extended edition of ABC Antics?
No dear readers, this incredible bullshit is for real. Here it is straight from the horse's ass himself...
You'll notice that Bush claims that a confidential informant told him that the VFW allowed non-members in (a/k/a/ guests), bartenders drank on duty and patrons smoked weed on the patio. The very patio that Mr. Powell and his wife are relaxing, sans joint, in the photo above.
When tainted ABC Enforcement Director Boyce Hamlet, Jr. got word of this he pissed his pants (not to worry he wears Depends) thinking he would lead an important investigation that could possibly restore his credibility and honor that he lost in that unfortunate event when he was a trooper recruit.
Junior meets with Powell and Powell rips him a new one. Powell reminds Junior that he has been on the ABC board forever and knows more about the ABC and it's rules and regulations than his dumbass self could learn in three lifetimes.
Junior apologizes and reminds Powell that he is not a "rocket appliance" and got a free ride scholarship to college because of his math mental disorder.
Although it appears that the VFW Post was in the clear this time they were not so lucky back in 2013 when the post quartermaster at the time, Gary L. Richardson, was arrested and found guilty for having gambling devices in the VFW Post.
Faithful readers will recall that Bush is not one of the ABC's finest agents.
Bush lost his ABC credentials and badge and he asked permission to have a female "friend" ride along with him.
We did a little investigation of our own and found that Bush was fired from the North Little Rock Police Department due to "poor performance".
Bush job jumped after that every two years or so until he landed at the ABC. Home of the shiftless and no-one-else-will-hire-us dregs of failed law enforcement careers.
No one can make stuff like this up and no doubt we will continue to have incredible stories like this until the governor gets rid of the baffoons at the ABC.
Faithful readers will recall that Bush is not one of the ABC's finest agents.
Bush lost his ABC credentials and badge and he asked permission to have a female "friend" ride along with him.
We did a little investigation of our own and found that Bush was fired from the North Little Rock Police Department due to "poor performance".
Bush job jumped after that every two years or so until he landed at the ABC. Home of the shiftless and no-one-else-will-hire-us dregs of failed law enforcement careers.
No one can make stuff like this up and no doubt we will continue to have incredible stories like this until the governor gets rid of the baffoons at the ABC.