
Friday, May 22, 2015


From documents recently obtained from the Arkansas Department of Finance & Administration, it appears that Rick Crisman, the former deputy director of the Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division (and a certified law enforcement officer), improperly obtained driver's licenses that individuals that had moved to NW Arkansas from other states exchanged for an Arkansas driver's license.


According to sources at DFA/Revenue, when a licensed driver from another state moves to Arkansas and goes to a local revenue office to obtain an Arkansas driver's license, they turn in the license from the other state. The revenue officer then enters the old license information into the computer for a report to be sent to the other state that the individual was issued an Arkansas driver's license. The old license is then shredded.

Crisman worked out of the Fayetteville Revenue Office at 965 S. Razorback Road, Suite 2.

According to an employee at the Fayetteville Revenue Office, it is standard procedure to shred all licenses from other states turned in by individuals when they obtain an Arkansas driver's license. The employee could not provide any information as to how Crisman obtained the licenses he had in his possession at the time of his resignation.

This blog was able to make contact with several of the individuals whose license was found in the possession of Crisman when he resigned.  All of the individuals we contacted told us that they had relocated to NW Arkansas and turned in the driver's license that had been issued to them by another state in exchange for an Arkansas driver's license. All of the individuals contacted expressed shock and dismay that their "old" license had not been destroyed and had somehow made its way into Crisman's hands.

We contacted the Department of Finance and Administration for a response, but they have not replied.

Exactly how did Crisman get hold of these driver's licenses that are supposed to be destroyed?  Did he ask the Revenue office employees if he could have them? Did the Revenue office tell these individuals their old license might be given out to some other state agency or individual? If so what DFA policy or state law permits DFA to that and for Crisman to obtain them from the Revenue office. Did Crisman just take them out of a shred box without seeking or obtaining authorization?

How can the Department of Finance & Administration assure the public that they properly handle personal information obtained from clients or keep other confidential documents from the prying hands of identity thieves or crooked employees?


If you are one of the individuals that had their old driver's license appropriated by Rick Crisman and are upset, contact Larry Walther, the head of the Department of Finance & Administration: